04 - Remote Repository - Bitbucket
Remote Repository githup.com bitbucket.com 1. First create an account bitbucket.com 2. Generate private and public key ( In local Centos VM ) ssh-keygen -t rsa cd /root/ .ssh/ id_rsa.pub ** public key id_rsa ** private key copy public key and go to bitbucket 3. Go to the bucket site Click Settings -> SSH Key --> Label: This is vm1 keys Key: Past public key here 4. Create Repository Click + --> Repository --> Project : devops batch --> Repository name : infra-automation --> Access level -> Private repository 5. Perform Push / Pull in local repository git clone git@bitbucket.org:mali1969/infra-automation.git git remote add origin git@bitbucket.org:mali1969/infra-automation.git git pull origin master git push origin master git remote -v origin git@bitbucket.org:mali1969/infra-automation.git (fetch) origin git@bitbucket.org:mali1969/infra...